Myofascial release: Duration: 60 min. A very special, soft and deep kind of treatment that might surprise you. The myofascial treatments works on the connective tissue called fascia which surrounds, protects and connects all the structures of the body. The treatment is applied on a massage bed using very light torsions, pressures, slidings and tractions without the use of oil but on direct contact with the skin. The therapist becomes a facilitator for the body of the receiver, giving the inputs to the fascial tissue to adjust and restore its fluidity and proper alignment. Anatripsis – Ancient Greek massage: Duration: 60/80 min. Anatripsis literally means “rubbing”. This therapy finds its basis in the teaching of Hyppocrates who told us about the importance of ointment and rubbing during a massage to create heat in the body and enhance blood circulation to relieve tension and reactivate body energy. The technique consists of vigorous rubbing along the muscles and around the joint after being oiled. After the rubbing a sequence of pressures and a softer rebalancing will complete the treatment. Foot Reflexology: Duration: 45 min. Feet support our bodyweight and movements for the majority of our daily lives. They contain a reflexed map of our organs and body structures. Since very old times and everywhere in the world humans have understood that by treating the feet they could affect and cure many ailments manifesting in the rest of the body, from the deeper organs to the musculoskeletal system. Foot reflexology differs in technique and intention from a normal foot massage. There's almost no application of oil, pressure is quite deep and the receiver may be asked to interact verbally with the therapist. |